Thursday, September 27, 2012


Scaredy Squirrel
Written and Illustrated by: Melanie Watt
Kids Can Press Ltd., 2006
32 pages

            I decided to choose this book to read after opening it to a random page to get an idea of the story. From the start the story made me laugh, therefore, I had to read it. Scaredy Squirrl is a story about a squirrel that never leaves his nut tree because he is too scared of the unknown. Scaredy is scared of everything such as bees, germs, poison ivy, and sharks; however, Scaredy is prepared for anything. Scaredy has a safety kit. Everyday, Scaredy follows a strike schedule and routine that ensures him that he will never encounter the unknown until one particular day. Something happened that day that was so unpredictable that it changed him forever. As it turned out, the unknown was not so bad after all.
            The illustrations in the book are simple and created using charcoal pencils and acrylic. The story’s text and pictures are periodically done as listings and charts.  The charts are of Scardey’s schedule which includes drawings of clocks that indicates the time and of his planning. Also, a select few pages use a picture in place of a word. I feel that the illustrations are helpful for children to get an idea as to how schedules are sometimes written and how jotting can tell a story.
            Scaredy Squirrel has not won any awards, but it has been recognized by many. The author, Melanie Watt, has also written other books about Scardey and his new adventures. I believe this book could create many different lessons for children such as how to write a schedule, how to tell time, the days of the week, advantages verses disadvantages, how to make lists, and how to plan. I also believe it makes for a great classroom discussion on not being afraid of taking small risks and how everyone is scared of something. I would ask students about things that might scare them to start them off in reading this story. The story is appropriate for children preschool and up. 

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