Thursday, September 27, 2012


Rhyming Dust Bunnies
Written by: Jan Thomas
Illustrated by: Jan Thomas and Ann Bobco
Beach Lane Books, 2009
34 Pages

            This book was chosen because my sons’ kindergarten class is talking about rhymes and I was looking for a funny book to help him along. Rhyming Dust Bunnies is a very humorous story about four dust bunnies named Ed, Ned, Ted, and Bob (notice all names rhyme except Bob’s). The book follows Ed, Ned, and Ted in talking about what words rhyme with what while Bob is concerned about getting sweep up. Every time Bob yells that there is danger near, his friends only say that that word does not rhyme with theirs. However, Bob’s friends end up learning about how they should have been listening to Bob all along instead of only concentrating on their game.

            For the illustrations in the book Jan Thomas and Ann Bobco digitally created bright, simple, and primary artwork. The bright colors are eye catching for young children and the text is written in captions. The captions are also written colorfully and fun rather than simple and black.

            No awards were won for this book, but it is a wonderful book to have in preschool and 
kindergarten classrooms. The books’ main purpose is obviously to make a great lesson on rhymes for the story is written in a way that a teacher is given opportunities to pause for questioning. However, this story could also be used for teaching listening skills and phonics. There are many cute pintables available online for class incorporation.


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